Fiber Optic Attenuator,Fiber Optic Attenuators

LC/SC/FC/ST/MU,UPC,APC,fiber optic attenuators,inline attenuator cables, variable attenuator hand held equipment, female to male type fiber optic attenuators, 1dB,2dB,3dB,5dB,10dB,15dB,20dB,25dB,30dB,standard fiber optic attenuators ready for fast delivery and always with good prices.

The fixed value female to male fiber attenuator and female to male fiber optic attenuators common attention range is 1dB to 30dB, with 1dB as step value, like 1dB,2dB,3dB till 30dB. All the fiber optic attenuators we supply now is single mode type, work with typical 1310nm and 1550nm wavelength.

Except for the small size fiber optic attenuators, we also have the variable fiber optic attenuator which is a handheld equipment, and we supply the inline fiber optic attenuator cable, it is used like fiber optic patch cables and it can provide the attenuation during the connection.

SC Fiber Optic AttenuatorSC Fiber Optic Attenuator
We supply female to male SC fiber optic attenuator and bulkhead SC fiber optic attenuator. They fit typical 1310nm and 1550nm single mode fiber applications. Attenuation range is from 1dB to 30dB. We supply both SC UPC fiber optic attenuator and SC APC fiber optic attenuator.
LC Fiber Optic AttenuatorLC Fiber Optic Attenuator
We supply single mode LC fiber optic attenuators including the bulkhead LC attenuator and female to male LC fiber attenuator. They are with high quality ceramic sleeves and UPC polishes. Attenuation range available is from 1dB to 30dB.
FC Fiber Optic AttenuatorFC Fiber Optic Attenuator
We supply FC APC single mode fiber optic attenuator and FC UPC single mode fiber optic attenuator, both of them are with ceramic sleeves and accurate FC connection interface. The attenuation range is from 1dB to 30dB available.
ST Fiber Optic AttenuatorST Fiber Optic Attenuator
We supply both UPC ST fiber optic attenuator and APC ST fiber optic attenuator for single mode applications; they are with 1240nm to 1620nm compatible working wavelength, including the 1310nm and 1550nm typical single mode wavelength.
MU Fiber Optic AttenuatorMU Fiber Optic Attenuator
We supply both UPC MU fiber optic attenuator and APC MU fiber optic attenuators for single mode applications. Their attenuation level ranges from 1dB to 30dB.

Fiber Optic Attenuators

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